.. role:: gherkin-step-keyword .. role:: gherkin-step-content .. role:: gherkin-feature-description .. role:: gherkin-scenario-description .. role:: gherkin-feature-keyword .. role:: gherkin-feature-content .. role:: gherkin-background-keyword .. role:: gherkin-background-content .. role:: gherkin-scenario-keyword .. role:: gherkin-scenario-content .. role:: gherkin-scenario-outline-keyword .. role:: gherkin-scenario-outline-content .. role:: gherkin-examples-keyword .. role:: gherkin-examples-content .. role:: gherkin-tag-keyword .. role:: gherkin-tag-content :gherkin-feature-keyword:`Feature:` :gherkin-feature-content:`Integrated Backgrounds` ===================================================================================== :gherkin-scenario-keyword:`Scenario:` :gherkin-scenario-content:`First Scenario` -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :gherkin-step-keyword:`Given` a step that is from the background | :gherkin-step-keyword:`But` the step actually appears with the scenario steps in the sphinx docs | :gherkin-step-keyword:`Given` a step that is defined in the scenario | :gherkin-step-keyword:`And` one more for good measure | :gherkin-step-keyword:`When` I use sphinx-gherkindoc with the --integrate-background flag | :gherkin-step-keyword:`Then` the background steps should be integrated with the scenario steps :gherkin-scenario-keyword:`Scenario:` :gherkin-scenario-content:`Second Scenario` --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :gherkin-step-keyword:`Given` a step that is from the background | :gherkin-step-keyword:`But` the step actually appears with the scenario steps in the sphinx docs | :gherkin-step-keyword:`Given` a step from scenario 2 that is defined in the scenario | :gherkin-step-keyword:`And` one more from scenario 2 for good measure | :gherkin-step-keyword:`When` I use sphinx-gherkindoc with the --integrate-background flag | :gherkin-step-keyword:`Then` the background steps should be integrated with the scenario steps