Source code for sphinx_gherkindoc.writer

"""Helper functions for writing rST files."""
import itertools
import pathlib
import re
from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Union

import behave.parser
import behave.model
import behave.model_core

from .files import is_rst_file
from .glossary import step_glossary, step_glossary_grouped
from .parsers import parsers, ClassWithExamples
from .utils import (

_keywords = (
    # While not a keyword in gherkin, it acts the same as a keyword in the docs

for keyword in _keywords:
    AVAILABLE_ROLES.extend([f"gherkin-{keyword}-keyword", f"gherkin-{keyword}-content"])

BehaveModelWithDescription = Union[
    behave.model.Feature, behave.model.Scenario, behave.model.ScenarioOutline

# The csv-table parser for restructuredtext does not allow for escaping so use
# a unicode character that looks like a quote but will not be in any Gherkin
QUOTE = "\u201C"

# When generating rST output files from directory trees containing feature files,
# and rST/MarkDown, files, implementation concerns:
# * Walking a directory tree top down makes it hard to know if any subdirectories
#   will have interesting content worth including.
# * Walking a directory tree bottom up makes it hard to efficiently process excluded
#   directories.
# Strategy: Use a 2-phased approach:
# 1 Walk the directory tree top-down to avoid descending in to excluded directories.
#   Record an ordered list of places that are not excluded and thus worth looking at.
# 2 Process the recorded list in reverse order, effecting a bottom-up processing of the
#   tree, without the bottom-up concern. This way we can prune out directories that are
#   either empty or have empty children.

[docs]def toctree( path_list: List[str], subdirs: List[str], files: List[str], maxtocdepth: int, root_path: pathlib.Path, dir_display_name_converter: Optional[Callable] = None, ) -> SphinxWriter: """ Return a SphinxWriter for one level of a directory tree. Any rST files found at this level will have their content included in the TOC file instead of being referenced. This allows us to put content in the TOC file directly. The rST files that are included are expected to contain proper headers as well as content. If no rST files are included, a header is created using display_name. NOTE: If there is more than one rST file present, the order of their inclusion in the TOC is by filename sort order. """ of = SphinxWriter() non_included_files = [] need_header = True # Track if we need to generate our own header boiler-plate. for a_file in sorted(files): if not is_rst_file(a_file): non_included_files.append(a_file) continue source_name_list = path_list + [a_file] source_name = pathlib.Path().joinpath(*source_name_list) source_path = root_path / source_name verbose(f"Copying content from: {source_name}") with open(source_path, "r") as source_fo: of.add_output(, line_breaks=2) need_header = False if need_header: # We're just adding a boiler plate heading. of.create_section( 1, display_name( root_path.joinpath(*path_list), dir_display_name_converter=dir_display_name_converter, ), ) of.add_output(".. toctree::") of.add_output(f":maxdepth: {maxtocdepth}", line_breaks=2, indent_by=INDENT_DEPTH) for a_file in sorted(non_included_files): # For MarkDown file content to be properly processed we # need to leave the file name extension unchanged. ext = None if a_file.lower().endswith(".md") else "" name = make_flat_name(path_list, filename_root=a_file, is_dir=False, ext=ext) of.add_output(name, indent_by=INDENT_DEPTH) for subdir in sorted(subdirs): name = make_flat_name(path_list, filename_root=subdir, is_dir=True, ext="") of.add_output(name, indent_by=INDENT_DEPTH) return of
[docs]def role_name_from(s: str) -> str: """Convert a string to a format that can be used as an rST role.""" return s.lower().replace(" ", "-")
[docs]def apply_role(role: str, content: str) -> str: """Wrap the given content string in the given role.""" return f":{role}:`{content}`"
# Simplified this from a class, for various reasons. # Additional simplification work is needed!!!!
[docs]def feature_to_rst( source_path: pathlib.Path, root_path: pathlib.Path, feature_parser: str = "behave", get_url_from_tag: Optional[Callable] = None, get_url_from_step: Optional[Callable] = None, integrate_background: bool = False, background_step_format: str = "{}", raw_descriptions: bool = False, include_tags: List[str] = None, exclude_tags: List[str] = None, ) -> Optional[SphinxWriter]: """Return a SphinxWriter containing the rST for the given feature file.""" output_file = SphinxWriter() def section(level: int, obj: behave.model_core.BasicStatement) -> None: keyword = obj.keyword # "scenario outline" causes issues in the role name, # so we format the role name before applying it. keyword_role = role_name_from(f"gherkin-{keyword}-keyword") content_role = role_name_from(f"gherkin-{keyword}-content") content = rst_escape( section_name = " ".join( [ apply_role(keyword_role, f"{keyword}:"), apply_role(content_role, content) if content else "", ] ) output_file.create_section(level, section_name.rstrip(": ")) def description( obj: BehaveModelWithDescription, raw_descriptions: bool = False ) -> None: description = obj.description if not description: return if not isinstance(description, list): description = [description] # The keyword here will be capitalized and may contain a space, # so we sanitize it first. role = role_name_from(f"gherkin-{obj.keyword}-description") if role == "gherkin-scenario-outline-description": # Scenario and Scenario Outline description roles are considered the same role = "gherkin-scenario-description" for line in description: if line == "": output_file.blank_line() continue if raw_descriptions: # Extra indentations can cause rST formatting issues. # By choosing raw descriptions, the user wants to have full control # over what is put in the rST file. indent_by = 0 # Note that we also intentionally do not escape characters in the line, # since we are assuming the user knows that the raw descriptions option # means the descriptions will be treated as raw rST lines. # We also do not apply the gherkin-feature-description # or gherkin-scenario-description roles. else: indent_by = INDENT_DEPTH line = apply_role(role, rst_escape(line)) output_file.add_output(line, indent_by=indent_by) def text(text: Union[str, List[str]]) -> None: if not text: return if not isinstance(text, list): text = [text] output_file.blank_line() output_file.add_output("::", line_breaks=2) # Since text blocks are treated as raw text, any new lines in the # Gherkin are preserved. To convert the text block into a code block, # each new line must be indented. for line in itertools.chain(*(x.splitlines() for x in text)): output_file.add_output( rst_escape(line), line_breaks=2, indent_by=INDENT_DEPTH ) # Reference link here because it's too long to put inside the function itself. # def _url_if_url(url_checker: Optional[Callable], value: str) -> str: return url_checker(value) if url_checker else "" def _value_with_url(value: str, url: str) -> str: return f"`{value} <{url}>`__" def ticket_url_or_tag(tag: str) -> str: """Get a URL or tag. If tag is a ticket, return an anonymous embedded hyperlink for it, else tag itself. """ url = _url_if_url(get_url_from_tag, tag) return _value_with_url(tag, url) if url else tag def tags(tags: List[str], *parent_objs: behave.model_core.BasicStatement) -> None: parent_with_tags = tuple(x for x in parent_objs if x.tags) if not (tags or parent_with_tags): return output_file.add_output(".. pull-quote::", line_breaks=2) tag_str = ", ".join(map(ticket_url_or_tag, tags)) for obj in parent_with_tags: tags_list = ", ".join(map(ticket_url_or_tag, obj.tags)) tag_str += f" (Inherited from {obj.keyword}: {tags_list} )" output_file.add_output( " ".join( [ apply_role("gherkin-tag-keyword", "Tagged:"), # Because nested inline markup is not possible, # we much choose between allowing tags to have links, # or allowing them to be formatted. # It is concluded that tag links are much more useful. # See # noqa # If rST supports this, we can add the following line: # apply_role("gherkin-tag-content", <content-on-line-below>), tag_str.strip(), ] ), line_breaks=2, indent_by=INDENT_DEPTH, ) def step_link_or_string(step_keyword: str, step: str) -> str: """Get a URL or step. If step has a code definition, return an anonymous embedded hyperlink for it, else step itself. """ url = _url_if_url(get_url_from_step, f"{step_keyword} {step}") if url: return _value_with_url(step, url) return re.sub(r"(\\\<.*?\>)", r"**\1**", rst_escape(step)) def format_step(step: behave.model.Step, step_format: str) -> str: # Make bold any scenario outline variables formatted_step = step_format.format( " ".join( [ apply_role("gherkin-step-keyword", step.keyword), # Because nested inline markup is not possible, # we much choose between making params bold, # or allowing step content to be formatted. # Making params bold is the current behavior # at the time of this implementation, so that is the current choice. # See # noqa # If rST supports this, we can add the following line: # apply_role("gherkin-step-content", <content-on-line-below>), step_link_or_string(step.step_type.capitalize(),, ] ) ) return formatted_step def steps(steps: List[behave.model.Step], step_format: str = "{}") -> None: for step in steps: step_glossary[].add_reference(, pathlib.Path(step.filename).resolve().relative_to(root_path), step.line, ) step_glossary_grouped[step.step_type][].add_reference(, pathlib.Path(step.filename).resolve().relative_to(root_path), step.line, ) formatted_step = format_step(step, step_format) output_file.add_output(f"| {formatted_step}") if step.table: output_file.blank_line() table(step.table, inline=True) output_file.blank_line() if step.text: text(step.text) def examples( example_source: ClassWithExamples, example_source_parent: Optional[behave.model.Feature] = None, ) -> None: tag_sources = [example_source] if example_source_parent: tag_sources.append(example_source_parent) for example in getattr(example_source, "examples", []): if example_source.__class__.__name__ == "Feature": # Set feature examples tables at the same section level as scenarios. section_level = 2 else: # Set scenario examples tables at a level one lower than scenarios. section_level = 3 section(section_level, example) tags(example.tags, *tag_sources) table(example.table) output_file.blank_line() def table(table: behave.model.Table, inline: bool = False) -> None: indent_by = INDENT_DEPTH if inline else 0 directive = ".. csv-table::" output_file.add_output(directive, indent_by=indent_by) headers = '", "'.join(table.headings) indent_by += INDENT_DEPTH output_file.add_output(f':header: "{headers}"', indent_by=indent_by) output_file.add_output(f":quote: {QUOTE}", line_breaks=2, indent_by=indent_by) for row in table.rows: row = f"{QUOTE}, {QUOTE}".join(map(rst_escape, row)) output_file.add_output(f"{QUOTE}{row}{QUOTE}", indent_by=indent_by) # Declare roles in each rST file # so that they are available for customization by users. for role in AVAILABLE_ROLES: output_file.add_output(f".. role:: {role}") if AVAILABLE_ROLES: output_file.blank_line() feature_class = parsers.get(feature_parser, None) if not feature_class: raise KeyError( f'No parser found for "{feature_parser}",' f" options are: {list(parsers.keys())}" ) feature = feature_class(root_path, source_path) if not feature.exists: return None included_scenarios = get_all_included_scenarios(feature, include_tags, exclude_tags) # In the event of a feature existing, # but not having scenarios in it, # only exclude the feature (and its description, etc) # if include/exclude logic has been activated. if not included_scenarios and (include_tags or exclude_tags): return None section(1, feature) description(feature, raw_descriptions=raw_descriptions) if feature.examples: examples(feature) if feature.background and not integrate_background: section(2, feature.background) steps(feature.background.steps) output_file.blank_line() for scenario in included_scenarios: section(2, scenario) tags(scenario.tags, feature) description(scenario, raw_descriptions=raw_descriptions) if integrate_background and feature.background: steps(feature.background.steps, step_format=background_step_format) steps(scenario.steps) output_file.blank_line() examples(scenario, feature) return output_file