Source code for sphinx_gherkindoc.glossary

"""Module specific to building the steps glossary."""
from collections import defaultdict
import pathlib
from typing import DefaultDict, Optional, Set, Tuple

from .utils import INDENT_DEPTH, rst_escape, SphinxWriter

[docs]class GlossaryEntry(object): """Track all the different places, and by which spellings, something is used.""" def __init__(self) -> None: self.step_set: Set[str] = set() self.locations: DefaultDict[pathlib.Path, set] = defaultdict(set)
[docs] def add_reference( self, step_name: str, filename: pathlib.Path, line_number: int ) -> None: """ Add a reference to the glossary. Args: step_name: The step name in Gherkin filename: The file name containing the step line_number: The line number containing the step """ self.step_set.add(step_name) self.locations[filename].add(line_number)
[docs] def tuple_len(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Get the length for each location and the number of associated steps.""" return (len(self.locations), sum(map(len, self.locations.values())))
def __gt__(self, other: "GlossaryEntry") -> bool: """Compare the location and step lenghts for the larger one.""" return self.tuple_len() > other.tuple_len() def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: """Compare the location and step lengths for equality.""" if not isinstance(other, GlossaryEntry): return NotImplemented return self.tuple_len() == other.tuple_len()
step_glossary: DefaultDict[str, GlossaryEntry] = defaultdict(GlossaryEntry) step_glossary_grouped: DefaultDict[str, DefaultDict[str, GlossaryEntry]] = defaultdict( lambda: defaultdict(GlossaryEntry) )
[docs]def make_steps_glossary( project_name: str, group_by: bool = False ) -> Optional[SphinxWriter]: """Return SphinxWriter containing the step glossary information, if any.""" if not step_glossary and not step_glossary_grouped: return None glossary = SphinxWriter() glossary.create_section(1, f"{project_name} Glossary") if group_by: glossary.create_section(2, "Group By") for step_type, glossary_group in step_glossary_grouped.items(): glossary.create_section(3, f"{step_type}") _step_glossary(glossary, glossary_group) else: _step_glossary(glossary, step_glossary) return glossary
def _step_glossary( glossary: SphinxWriter, glossary_group: DefaultDict[str, GlossaryEntry] ) -> None: step_names = {name for gloss in glossary_group.values() for name in gloss.step_set} for term in sorted(step_names): glossary.add_output(f"- :term:`{rst_escape(term, slash_escape=True)}`") glossary.blank_line() glossary.add_output(".. glossary::") for entry in sorted(glossary_group.values(), reverse=True): for term in sorted(entry.step_set): glossary.add_output( rst_escape(term, slash_escape=True), indent_by=INDENT_DEPTH ) for location, line_numbers in sorted(entry.locations.items()): definition = f"| {location} {', '.join(map(str, sorted(line_numbers)))}" glossary.add_output(definition, indent_by=INDENT_DEPTH * 2) glossary.blank_line()