Source code for jiratools

"""Some simple API functions and command-line tools for interaction with JIRA."""

from __future__ import print_function
from argparse import (

from .utils import load_config, DEFAULT_LINK_TYPE
from .helpers import list_from_config

from .comment import cli_add_comment
from .link import cli_jira_link
from .make_and_link import cli_make_linked
from .do_search import cli_search
from .assignee import cli_reassign
from .example_config import cli_example_config

[docs]def format_as_code_block(text_to_wrap: str) -> str: """ Wrap the text in a JIRA code block. Args: text_to_wrap: The text to wrap. Returns: A JIRA formatted code block. """ return "".join(["{code:java}", "{}".format(text_to_wrap), "{code}"])
def _setup_link_parser(parser: ArgumentParser) -> ArgumentParser: parser.add_argument("from_jira", help="The JIRA from which to create the link.") parser.add_argument("to_jira", help="The JIRA to which to create the link.") parser.add_argument( "-t", "--link-type", help="The type of link to create.", default=DEFAULT_LINK_TYPE, ) return parser def _setup_make_linked_parser(parser: ArgumentParser) -> ArgumentParser: config = load_config() parser = ArgumentParser(formatter_class=ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument("jira_id") assign_default = bool(config["DEFAULT_ASSIGNEE"]) assignment = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() assignment.add_argument( "--assign", dest="assign", default=assign_default, action="store_true", help="Assign story to user, current user if none provided.", ) assignment.add_argument( "--no-assign", dest="assign", default=not assign_default, action="store_false", help="Leave Test JIRA unassigned", ) parser.add_argument( "-p", "--project", default=config["TEST_PROJECT"], help="JIRA project in which to create test story", ) parser.add_argument( "-u", "--user", default=config["DEFAULT_ASSIGNEE"], help="the user who will receive the assignment", ) parser.add_argument( "-c", "--components", default=list_from_config("DEFAULT_COMPONENTS"), action="append", help="Component tag to be aplied to the Test Story", ) parser.add_argument( "-d", "--description", default=config["DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION"], help="Description string for Test JIRA.", ) parser.add_argument( "-l", "--labels", default=list_from_config("DEFAULT_LABELS"), action="append", help="Comma-separated list of labels to be applied to the Test story", ) parser.add_argument( "-s", "--summary", default=config["DEFAULT_SUMMARY"], help="Summary string for Test JIRA - will receive the Dev JIRA key and " "summary as string format values", ) parser.add_argument( "-t", "--issue-type", default=config["DEFAULT_ISSUE_TYPE"], help="Issue type for Test JIRA -- " "must be a valid type name on target project", ) parser.add_argument( "-w", "--watchers", action="append", default=list_from_config("WATCHERS"), help="Watchers to add to Test JIRA", ) return parser
[docs]def make_linked() -> None: """Make a JIRA linked to the given one.""" parser = _setup_make_linked_parser( ArgumentParser(formatter_class=ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) ) args = parser.parse_args() cli_make_linked( project=args.project, assign=args.assign, user=args.user, components=args.components, labels=args.labels, summary=args.summary, description=args.description, jira_id=args.jira_id, issue_type=args.issue_type, watchers=args.watchers, )
def _setup_comment_parser(parser: ArgumentParser) -> ArgumentParser: parser.add_argument("jira_id") parser.add_argument("message", help="Comment to add to the given JIRA.") return parser
[docs]def add_comment() -> None: """ Quick "add a short comment to a JIRA" command line tool. If 'message' is '-' then stdin will be read. """ parser = _setup_comment_parser( ArgumentParser( formatter_class=RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, description=add_comment.__doc__ ) ) args = parser.parse_args() cli_add_comment(jira_id=args.jira_id, message=args.message)
def _setup_search_parser(parser): config = load_config() default_max_count = int(config.get("MAX_RESULT_COUNT", "0")) or 10 default_max_count = False if default_max_count == -1 else default_max_count result_count = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() result_count.add_argument( "--max-results", "-m", type=int, default=default_max_count, help="Max results returned.", ) result_count.add_argument( "--no-max-count", "-n", action="store_false", dest="max_results" ) parser.add_argument("--count-only", "-c", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("query") return parser def _setup_reassign_parser(parser: ArgumentParser) -> ArgumentParser: parser.add_argument("jira_id") parser.add_argument("user", help="New assignee for the JIRA.") return parser
[docs]def reassign() -> None: """Assign JIRA to given user.""" parser = _setup_reassign_parser( ArgumentParser( formatter_class=RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, description=cli_add_comment.__doc__, ) ) args = parser.parse_args() cli_reassign(jira_id=args.jira_id, user=args.user)
def _setup_config_parser(parser: ArgumentParser) -> ArgumentParser: install_settings = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() install_settings.add_argument( "--install", action="store_true", help="Install the example config file, raise an error if it already exists.", ) install_settings.add_argument( "--install-if-missing", action="store_true", help="Install the example config file if it doesn't already exist.", ) return parser
[docs]def example_config_install() -> None: """Build example config.""" description = ( "Install example jira.config in your homne directory " "unless you have one already. Without any command line " "switches, do a dry-run and print the example config file " "contents to stdout." ) parser = _setup_config_parser(ArgumentParser(description=description)) args = parser.parse_args() cli_example_config(install=args.install, install_if_missing=args.install_if_missing)
SUBPARSERS = { "link": (cli_jira_link, _setup_link_parser), "make-linked": (cli_make_linked, _setup_make_linked_parser), "comment": (cli_add_comment, _setup_comment_parser), "search": (cli_search, _setup_search_parser), "assign": (cli_reassign, _setup_reassign_parser), "make-config": (cli_example_config, _setup_config_parser), }
[docs]def main() -> None: """Master jiratool command.""" parser = ArgumentParser( description="For detailed help, provide the --help flag to a subcommand" ) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title="subcommands") for name, (func, setup_parser) in SUBPARSERS.items(): subparser = subparsers.add_parser(name) subparser = setup_parser(subparser) subparser.set_defaults(func=func) args = parser.parse_args() func_arg_dict = {k: v for k, v in vars(args).items() if k != "func"} args.func(**func_arg_dict)