Source code for jgt_tools.check_version

"""Ensure version bump."""
import pkg_resources
import os
import subprocess

def _any_py_files_changed(file_names):
    return any(file_name.endswith(".py") for file_name in file_names)

def _version_changed(pyproject_diff):
    return "+version = " in pyproject_diff

[docs]def find_remote(): """Find the primary remote for a git repository.""" remotes = subprocess.check_output( ["git", "remote"], universal_newlines=True ).splitlines() if len(remotes) == 1: return remotes[0] elif "origin" in remotes: return "origin" raise KeyError("Cannot determine remote")
[docs]def find_default_branch(): """Find the default branch for a git repository.""" remote = find_remote() remote_info = subprocess.check_output( ["git", "remote", "show", remote], universal_newlines=True ).splitlines() return [x for x in remote_info if "HEAD branch" in x][0].split(":")[1].strip()
[docs]def check_default_branch(default_branch): """Get changed files and pyproject.toml diff for a branch.""" changed_files = subprocess.check_output( ["git", "diff", default_branch, "--name-only"], universal_newlines=True ).splitlines() pyproject_diff = subprocess.check_output( ["git", "diff", default_branch, "pyproject.toml"], universal_newlines=True ) return changed_files, pyproject_diff
[docs]def check_version(): """Verify the version is changed if any code files are changed.""" default_branch = find_default_branch() # if the check is running in github actions, we need to use the remote ref if os.getenv("GITHUB_ACTIONS") == "true": default_branch = f"origin/{default_branch}" changed_files, pyproject_diff = check_default_branch(default_branch) check_file_changes = _any_py_files_changed for entry in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points("file_checkers"): if == "version_trigger": check_file_changes = entry.load() break if check_file_changes(changed_files) and not _version_changed(pyproject_diff): print("Code files changed with no corresponding version bump!") exit(1)